The latest installment of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, continues to captivate fans by reimagining the beloved classic. Among the myriad of memorable moments, one scene stands out: the parade in Junon. This event enhances the original game and establishes a deep bond between the protagonist, Cloud, and the Seventh Infantry, a group of Shinra soldiers.
Junon parade: A defining moment
In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players witness an unforgettable sequence as Cloud forms an unbreakable bond with members of the Seventh Infantry during the Junon parade. This expanded narrative enriches the gaming experience, infusing it with the remake’s distinctive charm. Players are tasked with navigating Junon alongside their new squadron, each member lending support in battles while unwittingly aiding Cloud’s escape from the city.
Following the game’s release, fan enthusiasm for the Seventh Infantry soared, with Reddit user Minev1128 expressing adoration for the group on the Final Fantasy subreddit. Many echoed this sentiment, hoping for the Seventh Infantry’s return in the upcoming sequel, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Part 3. Notably, the group’s leader, affectionately dubbed “Commander Waifu” by fans, has garnered significant attention despite lacking an official name in the game.
The Highwind connection: Fan theories abound
A prevailing fan theory suggests that the Seventh Infantry could play a pivotal role in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Part 3 by assisting Cid, a skilled pilot, in operating the Highwind, the iconic airship of the series. With the sequel confirmed to feature an airship, speculation about the Seventh Infantry’s involvement runs rife. Fans envision the group as essential crew members, facilitating Cloud and his companions’ journey across Midgar.
The widespread acclaim and affection for the Seventh Infantry underscore the anticipation surrounding their potential return in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Part 3. While Square Enix has remained tight-lipped about the sequel’s specifics, the sincere desire of fans suggests a strong likelihood of the group’s reappearance. With the precedent set by previous character revivals in the series, enthusiasts remain hopeful for the Seventh Infantry’s inclusion in the upcoming installment.
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