The Patientory system architecture aims to provide a decentralized and distributed mechanism of health information exchange and data storage. Before understanding the process, let’s examine the building blocks of the Patientory ecosystem.
Hardware Architecture
HIPAA Compliant Storage Facility
The members of the PTOYMatrix network blockchain provide, host, and maintain HIPAA-compliant data storage servers. Every medical record is stored and distributed on HIPAA-compliant storage facilities.
Key Authoring Entity
The key authorizing entity generates private and public address pairs for patients and health providers.
RPC Server
The RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol that accepts or denies access to HIPAA data storage servers. It’s a request-response protocol built for distributed computing.
Software Architecture
API Interface
The Patientory mobile dApp and Neith enterprise software tools are APIs for individuals and healthcare providers. They act as windows to access the Patientory ecosystem.
Decentralized Apps
These are dApps that interact with the patient’s healthcare data. They provide personalized care plans, tips, and notifications based on the patient’s health metric, health status, and goals.
Smart Contracts
Ethereum smart contracts control the interaction among individuals, Patientory systems, and healthcare providers.
The Process of Sharing Healthcare Data
- Patientory mobile app users will create a profile using their full name and phone number.
- The key authoring entity will issue a pair of private/public keys.
- The RPC server will scan the data storage facility to see if there’s a match.
- If the user has a record on one of the PTOYMatrix hospital nodes, the information will sync on the mobile app.
We have to keep in mind that existing EHR systems are still functional in the Patientory ecosystem. They integrate with the blockchain through an EHR synchronization mechanism, and these stored data are replicated on PTOYMatrix storage nodes.
Now, every individual will have a list of authorized hospitals and clinics on the Patientory mobile app. Every health provider will also have a list of all patients on the Neith enterprise tool.
The Process of Interacting with Healthcare Providers
Since every user has a private key, every user has a smart contract. The smart contract of individuals is class level. The smart contracts of health providers are class level objects.
Individuals grant access to health providers through the smart contract. Health providers can only view customer lists; they cannot remove or edit them. Employees’ lists, on the other hand, are fully managed by the health provider. Every transaction and information exchange goes through the RPC server and the smart contracts.
For example, when a patient visits a hospital, the outcome and prescribed medicine will appear on their Patientory profile page. The RPC will communicate with the smart contract and enable hospitals to read and write new data from their recent visit.
Patientory Services
The following services are available for the Patientory mobile app users.
- Wallet service enables users to send and receive PTOY and Ether tokens.
- Account services include updating the user’s information like full name and mobile phone number.
- Patient Data Analytics utilizes big data and provides health patterns and trends.
- Monitoring services work with treatment and nutrition goals.
- Machine learning services enable personalized care plans.
- Fraud analytics prevents fraud and identity theft.
Connector service is the portal to the PTOYMatrix network blockchain storage nodes and partners.
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