Ethereum Istanbul hard fork is coming straight up, and core developers at Ethereum have concluded six (6) code changes that will be initiated for the following system-wide up-gradation of Ethereum.
The execution of Istanbul would be carried out in two installments. First, one will be featuring all the six (6) code changes or the ETH Improvement Proposals (EIPs) and is anticipated to be executed on MainNet of Ethereum this October.
While, the second one is planned for the activation of MainNet in Q1 next year and that will be emphasizing EIPs that require more testing and careful consideration of the core developers, including a mining algorithm change ProgPoW.
What is Ethereum Istanbul hard fork?
Core developer Péter Szilágyi stated that the Ethereum Istanbul hard fork was split into two, as one could be shipped in a couple of weeks, while the other comprises of two huge EIPs that will require some time.
The part one of Ethereum Istanbul hard fork would be the 8TH hard fork that is going to be initiated on a blockchain network of twenty-two billion dollars ($20B).
It is anticipated that it will enhance chain interoperability with ZCash, the privacy coin and will support in securing the broader networks against those replay attacks.
Developers behind the clients of ETH have now only a week for the integration of the newly approved listed of the six (6) EIPs into the software they use and to get prepared for the full implementation of code on the live ETH test network
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